Last Sunday,Hong Qin came to my house for tutoring.This is the second time she came.I taught her biology,chemistry and also physics.I thought I have forgotten what I learned last year.But I still remembered some chemistry defination.Oh my.Thanks to Puan Sunita.She made us memorise every defination.:0
There is one defination that I know so well is,
"Group 18 elements had attained a stable octet elcectron arrangement,therefore they do not accept,donate or share electrons." LOLL.
Okay,come back to college life.Today my last class ended at 3pm.So I decided to take the 3pm bus to ktm station.I ran like mad just to get a seat in the bus.And at there,I saw Ashton.He was kind enough to let me sit beside him.We were like chatting and suddenly I realised we were stucked in a traffic jam infont of Taylor's university.I thought the jam was not that serious.But after 20 minutes later,I started to get
very impatient.Then there goes the climax of the story.Every car and bus is
honning.You know lah.The bus had a damn loud hon sound.Freak me out all the time.Then,people start to go down from the bus.They couldn't wait any longer.We actually stucked in the jam for an hour.Can you imagine?
Ashton went down to ask what had happen.And this is the reason..
Some STUPID student parked his car at the turning point of the road.The road at taylor there is like damn small already.Somemore park at there.Then this STUPID truck driver also dunno how to estimate distance.He just drove his car to this turning point and thought nothing will happen.Mana tau stuck together with the car in the middle of the road.Ridiculous huh?
Waited for an hour more,finally the bus moved.After the bus reached setia jaya ktm,I quickly ran to the platform.I did not want to miss my train.I thought everything will be fine again.Then mana tau the train was late again.I suppose to reach at home by 4,but in the end I reached home by 5 something.
One thing that makes me happy today was I met Kabisha in the lady's coach..The brilliant girl in my high school.She's currently doing a levels in medicine.We chatted along the way home and both of us miss high school's life so so much :)
I think I should stop my writing here now.Got to do other stuffs.
Hope no more traffic jam again for me in the future.PLS !
Traffic jam.Impatient people. |